New Oscidrum banks
There are 5 new Oscidrum banks on the downloads page. 4 vintage drum kits and 1 set of Moog Mother-32 sounds courtesy of Steve Munslow.
Online chat with Richard Nicol
I had an informal online chat with Richard Nicol of Pittsburgh Modular yesterday. We chatted about getting into synths, development of the Atmegatron and progress of the ATX synths. I also demo a couple of the new Oscidrum banks.
ATX progress
I discuss quite a bit of this in the video above.
A lot of parts for the Atmegatron II have now arrived. There’s still some software to write and parts to order, but it’s getting close! There are plans for a virtual Superbooth, now that the real one can’t take place. I will be doing an update video for this, so stay tuned for details.